Configuring Azure Single Sign-On (SSO) for Jasper

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Please note, this guide serves as a helpful outline for configuring the Jasper Single Sign-On application in Azure. To complete the configuration process, it is necessary to reach out to in order to obtain access to the Jasper SSO Admin Portal.

As part of the initial version (v1) of the Jasper SSO implementation, enabling single sign-on (SSO) for your account has a far-reaching impact. Once SSO is enabled, all other authentication methods will no longer work. Due to this crucial aspect, the Jasper Support and Security teams will closely collaborate with you to ensure a seamless transition to SSO for your Jasper accounts. We're here to help every step of the way!

The critical threshold is reached during the final testing phase. Upon successful completion of the test, SSO will become the sole authentication method for all users within the same email domain.

This is limited to business plans only.

Supported features

  • IdP-initiated SSO
  • SP-initiated SSO

Note: The following SAML attributes are supported:

Claim name Value
mail user.mail
givenname user.givenname
userprincipalname user.userprincipalname
surname user.surname


SP-initiated SSO

Configuration steps

Step 1: Create Enterprise Application

Select “Microsoft Entra ID” then “Enterprise applications”


Search for “Jasper AI” and select the “Jasper AI” application from the list of results


Next, select "Single Sign-On" from the "Manage" section in the left sidebar navigation menu, and then "SAML".


Step 2: Basic SAML Configuration

Click the Edit icon in the top right of the first step.


Get the Identifier and Reply URL from your Jasper SSO Admin Portal

Submit the Identifier and the Reply URL in the Basic SAML Configuration.

Step 3: User Attributes & Claims

No change will need to be made to the User Attributes & Claims

Step 4: Assign People & Groups

In order for your users and groups of users to be synced to Jasper you will need to assign them to your Azure AD SAML Application. Select "Users and groups" from the "Manage" section of the navigation menu.

Select "Add user/group" from the top menu.


Select "None selected" under the "Users and Groups". In the menu, select the users and groups of users that you want to add to the SAML application, and click "Select".


Select "Assign" to add the selected users and groups of users to your SAML application.

Step 5: Upload IdP Metadata

Navigate back to the “Single sign-on” page and down to Section 3, to "SAML Signing Certificate". Copy the URL provided in "App Federation Metadata URL".

Paste the Metadata URL you copied into your Jasper SSO Admin Portal 

Please read the next section before proceeding.


Step 6: Test Single Sign-On

To activate Single Sign-On (SSO) and ensure correct configuration, you must perform a test sign-in with your identity provider. This test is conducted in the Jasper SSO Admin Portal. Once the test is successful, SSO will be fully enabled on your account and will be the sole authentication method.
If you would like to hold off on fully enabling SSO, please pause before testing here. 

Please contact for any further support regarding your SSO configuration.

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