Below is a list of keyboard shortcuts that will speed up your Jasper workflow, explanations of each command are below the list.
NOTE: If you are using a Windows-based PC use the CONTROL key or CTRL instead of the COMMAND (Mac) as the starter key for the following commands
Jasper Shortcuts
Command + J: Compose
Command + Enter: Run Command
Command + /: Re-run Command
Command + Shift + Enter: Keep Command After Run
System Keyboard Shortcuts
Command + Z: Undo
Command + Shift + Z: Redo
Command + A: Select All
Command + C: Copy Selection
Command + X: Cut Selection
Command + V: Paste
Command + Shift + V: Paste Without Formatting
Command + F: Search Window
Styling Keyboard Shortcuts
Command + B: Boldface Styling
Command + I: Italics Styling
Command + U: Underline Styling
Command + K: Add/Remove Link
Explanations of each shortcut
To have Jasper continue writing the next sentence, you can click Compose in the bottom left, or use the keyboard shortcut Command + J on a Mac or CTRL + J on a PC and he will continue writing wherever your cursor is placed when you enter that shortcut.
Run a Command
You can tell Jasper what exactly what you want him to do. First, write out your command. Then run your command by hitting CMD + Enter on Mac or Control + Enter on PC. Jasper reads the instructions you wrote and does his best to follow them.
You can also hit Command + / to re-run that same command.
Run a Command and leave the Command Visible
Use CMD + Shift + Enter to run a command and keep that command visible on the page even after the output is generated by Jasper.
Hit Command + Z to undo the last text that was written by Jasper.
Click Command + Shift + Z to redo whatever you just undid... Just in case you want to undo your undo
Select All
Use Command + A to highlight and select all the content in a certain input area or document.
After highlighting a portion of text, hit Command + C to copy it to your clipboard.
If you would rather cut and remove that highlighted selection of text hit Command + X
After copying or cutting out a portion of text, hit Command + V to paste the text wherever your active cursor is placed.
Paste Without Formatting
Many times when transferring a portion of text from one document to another you may want to copy and paste that text without formatting... to do that use the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + V and all the formatting will be disregarded when pasting that text.
Often times when dialing in a document for SEO purposes you may want to see how many times a word is used or simply located it in a document. Use Command + F to open a search function on your computer and then type in the word you want to locate in your Jasper document. Once you do this, you can see how many times that word or phrase is in a document and easily replace it if needed.
Boldface Styling
Highlight the desired selection of text and hit Command + B and it will become Bold
Or choose Command + I to make it italics
Or Command + U to underline that text
Add/Remove Link
And finally, to quickly add in a link to a selected portion of text, hit Command + K and then paste the link into the link input area and add it.
Place 3 asterisks in your content to prevent Jasper from seeing above that point. This helps prevent Jasper from generating duplicate outputs.