Manager Role

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Introducing the New Manager Role for Enterprise Customers

Exciting news for all our enterprise Admins! We're rolling out a new Manager Role aimed to streamline your workflow. Say hello to the Manager role – a new addition to our roles designed specifically for our enterprise customers.  Crafted to ease the load off admins, this role empowers designated team members to take on more responsibilities without overstepping into the more sensitive areas like billing and AI outputs – those remain securely under the admin's purview.

This is limited to business plans only.

How Does This Benefit Admins?

  • Streamlined Operations: Managers can now aid in the effective management of features, ensuring smooth operations within the enterprise.
  • Focused Oversight: With specific permissions, Managers can focus on their areas, allowing for better attention to detail and area-specific management.
  • Relieved Admins: Admins can delegate routine management tasks and focus on broader strategic decisions or areas that require admin-level access.

Getting Started with the Manager Role

Here's how you can designate a Manager within your team:

  1. Access Control: Only Admins have the power to appoint a Manager. This ensures that higher-level access remains controlled and secure.
  2. Assignment Process:
  • Navigate to the team management page.
  • Beside the user's name, you'll find a dropdown menu. Click on it and select “Manager”.
  • Voilà! You've successfully appointed a Manager. 

Distinguishing Roles Made Easy

To make it quick and easy to identify who holds what role within your team, we've introduced new colored tags. These visual cues will help you spot the difference at a glance - saving time and reducing confusion.

What Can Managers Do?

Managers come equipped with a suite of capabilities designed to support your enterprise's daily operations. Here are some of the things they can do:

  • Access and view all company data on the Usage page.
  • View and edit Permission Settings.
    • Voices 
      • When this toggle is enabled, only Workspace admins and managers will have the ability to create, edit, and delete a Voice.
      • When this toggle is disabled, all user roles (including Members) will have this ability.
    • Knowledge Base 
      • When this toggle is enabled, only Workspace admins and managers will have the ability to create, edit, and delete Knowledge.
      • When this toggle is disabled, all user roles (including Members) will have this ability.
    • Spaces 
      • When this toggle is enabled, only Workspace admins and managers will have the ability to create a Space.
      • When this toggle is disabled, all user roles (including Members) will have this ability.

What Managers Can’t Do

It's also important to clarify the boundaries of the Manager's role, ensuring secure and appropriate access levels are maintained:

  • Unable to view or edit Integrations and Billing Pages.
  • Cannot reactivate or cancel accounts, invite or remove team members, change member roles, take bulk actions on roles, or edit company info.

Embarking on a Smooth Transition

We've designed this feature to be intuitive, but please reach out to us at if you have any questions. Our team is here to support you every step of the way as you explore and make the most of this new feature.

We're excited to see how the Manager role will empower your teams to collaborate more effectively and streamline operations within your organization. 

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