Cancel your Account

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We're sad to see you go! 

You can cancel your account at any time inside of the app by doing the following:

  1. Click on your name in the bottom left corner of the dashboard
  2. Click on Workspace settings
  3. Click on Plans
  4. Scroll to the very bottom
  5. Click on the Cancel button
  6. Follow all the promptings in-app

Please ensure you follow all of the steps to finalize your cancellation.

If you do not see the Cancel button, please contact support at

Cancellations will be automatically set for the end of your billing cycle. This ensures that you can still use the app for the month you have already paid for.

How to request a refund

Refunds are not automatic, as accounts are set to cancel at the end of your billing cycle. You will not be sent a refund without sending an email to Please ensure that your account has been set to cancel before you email us.

We will honor the 7-day money-back guarantee for those who reach out within 7 days of the charge — Email us at and let us know. Please see additional information on our refund policy.

Changed your mind?

To remove a cancellation, go ahead and email us at We will need to manually remove this pending cancellation for you.

Pausing your plan

You can pause your plan instead of canceling for 30, 60, or 90 days. Your billing cycle will resume after the chosen time frame. To pause your plan - go through the cancelation flow inside of your app. To resume your paused plan, you can click resume plan in the Billing tab.

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